25th October - Paps birthday!
Stuffed to the brim at dinner, serious food coma. Birthday cake was durian btw. :/
But anyway, another year old and another year wiser for Daddy!
(PS. Baby and daddy had a bonding session over tech-stuff that night, hehe.)
26th October - Wedding Showcase
Anyway, love and I went to a wedding showcase at Meritus on Sunday. Everything was really awkward at first 'cos I guess it was our first time going to this sort of stuff and we didn't know what to expect. There were different bridal shops, photography companies, fengshui workshop (haha) and a wedding gown showcase. Totally awed by some of the gowns. (insert heart-shaped face emoticon)
Well, when we registered for this, we only wanted to 'see see look look' at what they had to offer right. So we were invited to check out one bridal shop, the lady explained all the packages to us. And love got all interested in the overseas packages. It never occurred to me to look at those 'cos I'd expect them to be heavily over-budget (for the destinations I was actually interested in), but they actually seemed doable! Anyway, we said our thanks and we'd think over.
Had a break and listened to the feng shui workshop (hahaha again). Decided to head over to another bridal shop - My Bridal Room - because love said it seemed really crowded there. This guy (who we later found out was quite popular on Wedding Forums for his company) chatted with us and introduced us to the wedding packages. He was quite elderly, one of those who seemed really experienced and knowledgeable after being in the industry for so long. Really chatty too which was good 'cos he made us feel really relaxed. And like what the other forums said, he was a nice guy who didn't hard-sell and seemed really honest.
Well, the main point of this is: we placed a deposit for the wedding package. Yes, I still can't believe it too, until now. I think if we actually did more of our homework and asked more questions, we would have been able to get more perks? But other than that, the package was already quite impressive too. Plus we got to see some of their gowns during the showcase, which were really nice and classic designs. So yay, plus one. Anyway, we went home and started researching on the company, and to our relief, there were really good reviews about them. (I know there was no point since we already placed a deposit but haiya, no harm right.) So yay for that too!
So, there you go. Our first baby step. And even though there is still a long way to go, I am already bubbling with excitement. This feeling of actually having done something to make it come true, it's a feeling like no other. And throughout the entire day, I looked at the guy next to me, thinking how lucky I am to have someone who cares about all these just as much as I do. And the same feeling of happiness overwhelms me. Thank you, love. I think the next step is to finalize a date, hehe. ;)